Thursday, October 20, 2011

Crouse Park/Sparta Greenway Public Hearings

Please try to attend the Crouse Park/Sparta Greenway public hearings scheduled for October 25th at the Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation conference room, 1889 Hwy 21 South, Sparta, NC. This is an opportunity to hear from you about the proposed greenway and walk system that the Town of Sparta is working toward to provide fitness opportunity and improve the walkability of our town. There will be two morning meetings beginning at 10am and two afternoon meetings beginning at 5:30pm. The Comprehensive Greenway Master Plan will be presented at the first of both the morning and the evening meetings.

The Site Plan of Phase One will be presented at the second of both the morning and evening meetings. It is imperative for purposes of securing a Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) Grant that we have a large turnout with lots of input from the public. We anticipate this proposed greenway and walk system will ultimately enhance the livability of our town and improve the health of our citizens.